
Sixty-six is a card game for two people from the Bézique family, which is very popular in Germany. The game is very similar to Schnapsen , which is why these games are often equated; but there are some differences.


The meaning of the name sixty-six is explained by the fact that you need to collect 66 points to win a game. According to a long-standing true story, Sixty-Six was invented in 1652 in Eckkamp's Tavern No. 66 in the Westphalian city of Paderborn , and thus a memorial plaque at this location also commemorates this supposedly historical event. While this story is most likely false, another name for the game, Paderbörn, is derived from it. (1)



Plaque in Paderborn commemorating the alleged first game of sixty-six in Eckkamp tavern no. 66 in 1652, the current address is: Kamp 17



An early description of the game is found in the Leipziger Frauenzimmer-Lexicon from 1715 under the name Mariage ( French wedding ), the name is still in use today; a related game common in the Czech Republic is called Mariáš.




Meter Cancel from a Paderborn company, with playing card suits.





Special Cancel 6.6.66 "Spiel-66 Paderborn seit 1652" (See catalogue)


(1) Wikipedia source



 by Roddy Somerville